Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lee's Corner of the world

This is where my cousin Lee lives, in Scotland, near Gretna Green. As we came past the Lake District on the way, it was almost like being in the hillier areas of Southern Saskatchewan. I love the bare hills.
This is where Lee lives. She is in a lovely little cottage on a one lane road. This is the view from the back of her house. The scene from every window in her house looks out onto rolling green hills. 
Lee;s little puppy captured our hearts, with those big silky ears and those intelligent eyes.   
   These are windmills, seen allover the moors nowadays. The little white blobs on the grass are sheep, which are also allover the hills.

Gretna Green Is just a few minutes down the road. It is where people have run off to for years to elope. As a matter of fact, this is where my sister Cathy got married.
I wonder if that little house on the hill would be for sale? I can picture us living there. It seems I like alot of places, wherever I go I seem to think that I would like to live there!


  1. I think you still love England very much and in your heart you have always been that little English girl who left the country with her parents :-)

  2. I am SO happy that Herman passed this URL to me. What a good idea. We were in Europe for 4 weeks and I waited till we got back to blog (not wanting to advertise that we weren't home). It is so hard to catch up, rather than post pictures and stories as they happen.

    We didn't go to England so I am reading your adventures with much excitement. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful vacation with us! (I mentioned to Herman how disappointed I was that you weren't blogging anymore and he gave me this URL.)

  3. I am LOVING traveling with you! Keep going... there is still so much for me to see!!
